Petra Schiefer from uni:view produced a video clip introducing our project "Modeling Visual Attention as a Key Factor in Visual Recognition and Quality of Experience" (funded by the Vienna Science and Technologoy Fund, WWTF).
The original video is in German but we will be able to provide an English-dubbed version soon. Please check back here if you are interested.
Posted: July 16, 2013
On July 10-12, 2013 we held the opening conference of our project "Modeling Visual Attention as Key Factor in Visual Recognition and Quality of Experience" at the University of Vienna, Faculty of Psychology. The meeting consisted of individual 30min oral presentations and extended discussions.
The list of speakers included (in alphabetical order): Ulrich Ansorge (University of Vienna, Austria), Stefanie I. Becker (The University of Queensland, Australia), Shelley Buchinger (University of Vienna, Austria), Heiner Deubel (Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany), Touradj Ebrahimi (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland), Lisa M. Fenk (Research Institute of Molecular Pathology [IMP], Vienna, Austria), Michael Figl (Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Isabella Fuchs-Leitner (University of Vienna, Austria), Nils Heise (University of Vienna, Austria), Christoph Huber-Huber (University of Vienna, Austria), Marcus Kaar (Medical University of Vienna, Austria), Christof Körner (University of Graz, Austria), Aniello R. Patrone (University of Vienna, Austria), Otmar Scherzer (University of Vienna, Austria), Tim J. Smith (Birkbeck College, University of London, UK), Christian Valuch (University of Vienna, Austria), Joachim Weickert (Saarland University, Germany), Jeremy M. Wolfe (Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA).
Meeting Programme
A PDF of the final programme which includes all abstracts is available for download from here.
Some Pictures
We would like to share some snapshots from the three day's meeting with you and created a small photo gallery.
Thank You
Finally, we thank all guest speakers and listeners for coming and for their valuable contributions in the discussions. We hope that you had nice encounters during the meeting and we look forward to see you again.
Ulrich Ansorge, Shelley Buchinger, Otmar Scherzer,
Aniello Raffele Patrone, Christian Valuch
Posted: September 23, 2012
In recent years, it has been realized that the success of multimedia services or applications relies on the analysis of the entire user experience (UX). The relevance of this paradigm ranges from IPTV to video-on-demand systems for distributing and sharing professional TV and user-generated content that is consumed and produced ubiquitously. To obtain a pleasurable user experience a large amount of aspects have to be taken into account. Major challenges in this context include the identification of relevant UX factors and the quantification of their influence on Quality of Experience (QoE). In particular, visual attention, context awareness and assessment of users' expectations play an essential role.
This is further justified by the emergence of new multimedia enhancement techniques, notably 3DTV and Free Viewpoint. In the support of ubiquitous QoE the acquired knowledge on the context and on identified parameters affecting users' experience could be used to improve multimedia applications and their associated content delivery mechanisms.
The aim of this feature topic issue is to encourage researchers to submit their work describing the advances they have achieved in building tools, techniques, theories and practices for multimedia. Authors with recent unpublished work on QoE assessment, modeling and measurement are particularly encouraged to submit their original contribution to this special issue.
Topics of interest for the Special Issue include, but are not limited to:
Download Call for Papers (PDF)Multimedia Tools and Applications (Journal)