Ulrich Ansorge is the PI of the current project and currently holds the position of a Professor of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology at the Department of Psychological Basic Research and Research Methods at the University of Vienna. He is is an expert on human visual attention and top-down control.
University of Vienna - Faculty of Psychology
Department of Psychological Basic Research
Liebiggasse 5 | 1010 Wien | Austriaulrich.ansorge (at) univie (dot) ac (dot) at
Phone: +43 1 4277 471 40
Shelley Buchinger is working in the field of multimedia quality estimation and application-oriented computer vision. In 2010, she received her doctoral degree of technical sciences with distinction, obtained the Doc. Award 2010 and has been nominanted for the GI award.
University of Vienna - Faculty of Computer Science
Entertainment Computing Research Group
Währinger Straße 29 | 1090 Wien | Austriashelley.buchinger (at) univie (dot) ac (dot) at
Otmar Scherzer is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics, and head of the Computational Science Center, University of Vienna. By training he is an applied Mathematician with high expertise in mathematical imaging, modeling, and computer vision.
University of Vienna - Faculty of Mathematics
Computational Science Center
Nordbergstraße 15 (Room A105) | 1090 Wien | Austriaotmar.scherzer (at) univie (dot) ac (dot) at
Phone: +43 1 4277 23700
Aniello Raffaele Patrone obtained his Master in Computer Science at the University Federico II of Naples, Italy. In his master thesis he implemented a self-designed eye tracking system for oculomotor research in children. His main research interests are computer vision and image processing.
University of Vienna - Faculty of Computer Science
Cognitive Science Research Platformaniello.patrone (at) univie (dot) ac (dot) at
Christian Valuch studied Psychology at the University of Salzburg and the University of Vienna. His main research interests are visual attention, eye movements, scene recognition, and priming of visual processing.
University of Vienna - Faculty of Psychology
Cognitive Science Research Platform
Liebiggasse 5 | 1010 Wien | Austriachristian.valuch (at) univie (dot) ac (dot) at